Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Right Man
Most of you are probably aware of the recent death of Washington Redskins Safety Sean Taylor. Taylor was killed at this home in Miami, the alleged victim a robbery. I was watching ESPN just before the Redskins Press Conference. A former player of Gibbs was being interviewed about how the team would approach and handle the death of their teammate. I was struck by what was said next.

When he walked into Coach Gibbs’ Office he noticed a board behind Gibbs’ desk. Gibbs pointed out the board and the fact that on it were all the names of the injured players, their injury, and their rehab status. Coach Gibbs complemented the player on his work ethic with respect to his rehab and then said the following:
“Don’t worry about the injury. You see this board, all the names, and your name? I come in each and every morning and I pray for all of you. I’m praying for you right now so work hard and trust in God.”
This player finished the story by saying that Coach Gibbs would bring in his relationship with God to help his team during this tragic loss. When I heard this story my heart was warmed and I want to get one of those boards.
I guess my board is my blog links. All of you are in my heart and prayers when I look at my site. May God bless each and every one of you.
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