Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Institutional Activity

"Institutional Activity." That was a phrase I first read in Rubel Shelly's and Randy Harris' book, "The Second Incarnation." If memory serves, Shelly and Harris warned against mistaking "institutional (going to church, going to church picnics, teaching Sunday School, etc.) activity" for having a genuine relationship with God. I guess you could say if one had too much "I.A." in their life, perhaps one would need to be institutionalized. :)

I guess one could say I have a fair amount of "I.A." in my life. This past week saw me at church doing:
1. Monday - Weight Watchers
2. Tuesday - Men's Class. God is doing some powerful, powerful things in this group of guys that I'm starting to connect with.
3. Wednesday - Our night for what we call, "Dinner and a Devo." Barb always does the cooking and tonight I gave the devotional.

I'm reminded of George C. Scott's line as Patton as he scans a battlefield. There is carnage all around him of a recent battle. He looks at the Captain who is his aid and says something like, "War is terrible but God help me, I love it."

Now, I'm not trying to equate "I.A." with war but I do love it. There is so much the Holy Spirit is doing in the lives of our people I want to start jumping up (must not wake up sleeping wife) and down and shout, "Hallelujah, praise God."

Yeah, I'll take this kind of "Institutional Activity" anytime.

God's blessings.

After recent glitches in supervising a church nursery, I feel like I need to be institutionalized! :)
I'm like the releasees of Shawshank Redemption, I've been institutionalized so long, I can't live on the "outside."
Puck - Great point!
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