Tuesday, September 08, 2009


My son told me about a book, "Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God" by Francis Chan. He said one of his suite mates bought extra copies of the book to share with friends in response to how the book had impacted his life. I've never heard of the book or the author but I ordered it so I can read it with Steven.

I also ordered the book Mike (http://preachermike.com/) Cope promoted on his blog, "The Unlikely Disciple" by Kevin Roose. You can read Cope's summary of the book on his blog.

So here's to reading, getting one's monthly B-12 shot, and going for a 5K after school. Cheers.

When I grow up, I want to be just like you!
Rock on the 5K. I will eat an extra root beer float for you!
Judy - Be careful what you wish for :) Thanks

Puck - Ah, "Senior Staff Meeting." :)
Mr. Riley is currently reading "Crazy Love". I guess I'll have to wait a little while longer.
that girl - Seems to be lots of folks and churches reading "Crazy Love."
Chan is a big name on the seminar circuit out here. I've read most of his book and heard him speak a couple of times. I like what he says/writes.
Greg - You've heard the brother speak? Man, I'm always behind the "reading curve." :)
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