Thursday, June 18, 2009
What Is It?
Yes, its been a while. Since my last post we've had Bible Camp and are now here at Greg's in Temecula, CA. This week of Camp may have been one of our best! Pat Pugh was outstanding once again not to mention all the in between sessions of counseling he does with the teens. It was a week of growth and healing. It was also a week of Pat catching not one, but 3 sharks the Saturday after Camp. Now for the subject of today's post:

Steven and I had the pleasure of accompanying Greg on a one hour trip to San Diego in his beautiful Jetta. We later found ourselves in a Target Parking lot in which the following conversation occurred between my good friend and Co-Coordinator, the Puckster and myself courtesy of celluar technology:
Puck - What are you up to?
Me - I'm standing in a Target Parking lot in San Diego, guarding a "blank" that is sticking out of the back of Greg's Jetta.
Puck - Really?
Me - Yes, Greg is inside procuring some bungee cords to secure the "blank" whose size we underestimated.
Puck - Really - you two knuckleheads need to get a picture of that!
Hence - here is the picture - feel free to guess - and read the explanation at Greg's ( blog.

Thursday, June 04, 2009
Thursday - The "New" Lord's Day
Ramping up for Bible Camp these last few days. Keep us in your prayers. Not part of my ramping up is cutting the grass at our Building with "the boys." It was my first time weed-whacking with the boys since last summer. Are you weird if you state that you've been "looking forward" to weed-whacking? I guess I'm weird because I love the mindless pursuit of those dastardly weeds and grass that can't be cut by a riding lawn mower.
As I've said in the past, "the boys" get together every Thursday to cut our church lawn. Thursdays always begin with breakfast at 07:30 hours but if you arrive at our local diner any later than 07:15 hours, the boys consider you late and open for abuse.
Today one of the "regulars" was missing. When our former Sargent Major of the Army asked our preacher where "so and so" was, Don told him he was working at a part-time painting job. With the most incredulous look on his face, Glenn said, "Doesn't that turkey realize that Thursdays are the Lord's Day?" :)
Of course, in this context "Thursday / grass cutting days" are something not to be missed even if you have a paying job. His comment broke up our table and it was a good way to start a "mindless" morning as I head in to a very mindful time of Bible Camp.
As I've said in the past, "the boys" get together every Thursday to cut our church lawn. Thursdays always begin with breakfast at 07:30 hours but if you arrive at our local diner any later than 07:15 hours, the boys consider you late and open for abuse.
Today one of the "regulars" was missing. When our former Sargent Major of the Army asked our preacher where "so and so" was, Don told him he was working at a part-time painting job. With the most incredulous look on his face, Glenn said, "Doesn't that turkey realize that Thursdays are the Lord's Day?" :)
Of course, in this context "Thursday / grass cutting days" are something not to be missed even if you have a paying job. His comment broke up our table and it was a good way to start a "mindless" morning as I head in to a very mindful time of Bible Camp.