Monday, April 06, 2009

Sore, Sore, Sore

For some reason, I have "Bugs Bunny" in my mind yelling as he did so often in some of his classic cartoons, "You'll be sorry!" My wife has a version of Bugs that she like to say, "Remember, you're not in your 20's anymore." For a while I felt like I was.

We had our church picnic at KARS Park this past Saturday. KARS is located across the Banana River Lagoon from the Space Center. KARS has a huge campground, athletic fields, pavilions, tennis courts, basketball courts, and boat ramps. Any employee of the Space Center can rent the park for activities such as our church picnic.

So, this 50-year old Weight Watcher took advantage of my weight loss / conditioning to enjoy some basketball, softball, and as you folks (Brady across "the Pond" like to call it, "Football." My fellow elder from Venezuela shook my hand after our game and said, "Now you play a man's sport." I will say this, I will never complain about running 6 (and especially when I consider Trey running a marathon) miles again. I kept waiting for our team to huddle up, call time out, or throw the blasted ball back to the Pitcher but no, all we did was just keep running!

Yesterday we got together at our Youth Deacon's home for several games of beach volleyball. I'd like to tell you about those games but I can't remember them. You see, I didn't wake up until 9am this morning! Lets just say I slept like an over sized baby.

So, what did you do this weekend and can you still walk?
Have a blessed day.
I will.
We're on Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!

When you come out to SoCal, don't expect much physical exertion on our part! Actually, when you come out w/ the family in June, I am hoping it is the weekend Josh and Heather are moving into a house ... we can use your 50-year-old energy that seems to be unhampered by the reality of your age!!! :)
How long after 50 does energy stop being renewable?
Greg - Me, you, your family, and moving! No doubt about it, when we get together it seems to always be a moving experience. :)
Hey, this time we'll have #1 / just went to the gym to lift again / son to help as well.

Randy - At this point it seems to be several days although I'm planning to run 6 miles this afternoon to my WW weigh-in.
Glad you had a good weekend. I have a bad shoulder and a bad back... Things I didn't have even 1 year ago. But I still did a 10 mile run on Friday evening with a young college student. He ran backwards and circles around me while asking me question about what it was like before there were computers.
Brady - I busted out laughing (not at your bad back or shoulder) when I read your comment.
10 miles! You guys are killing me. Maybe one day.
Did a 6-year-old birthday party Friday night, which was a lot of fun. Especially since it was that particular 6-year-old! I don't remember Saturday, so it must not have been eventful. Sunday was church and family stuff. On the days we don't clean a house, I am walking roughly 30 minutes. Doubt I will ever get to running..........but I AM older than you are! :)
Didn't do a whole lot over the weekend but this morning's workout has me a little sore.
Judy - Its all about moving. You're doing great!

Terri - That "burn" sometimes hurts a little or even a lot.
Are you trying to kill yourself at the beginning of Spring Break? Just wondering.
We are still our our "college tour"..will be home tomorrow and then one more college on Thursday in Jacksonville...we are tired but it is from travel not phyiscal activity.
Lauramay - I survived my 6 mile run and weighed in under 189 for my April weigh-in. No physical activity planned for today other than cleaning our pool screen and patio.

You guys be careful out there.
I played 4 hours of tennis, and have developed a new sore spot on the bottom of my foot....but I can walk, I just limp.

Love to get physical on the weekends!!
I thought you were supposed to clean that pool on Saturday. If you must procrastinate, the cleaning of a pool is a good place to practice procrastination.
Well ... it just so happened that I ran 20 miles this weekend. That is definitely not a regular thing. And yes, I'm STILL sore from that. Did 5 this morning and my legs were telling me, "We still aren't happy with you!"
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