Thursday, March 19, 2009

"The Pulse" at "C4"

As many of you know, our church has been on an interesting journey. That journey hasn't been without some lows which I have chronicled in the past. But as low as some of those lows have been the "highs" have been above and beyond anything I could have imagined or had been praying for with respect to a "Church of Christ" in Central Florida. I do not say that by the way to hold us up as some model to emulate or strive for, for our individual churches' journeys will be as they were in the First Century - flawed attempts to be the "Bride of Christ." I say flawed because of the evidence of Paul's corrective Epistles to churches to as he told the Ephesians, to get both feet back into Christ. Sometimes those folks as we do at times, were hanging on by one toe.

One of best "highs" we've experienced has been the freedom to allow those that are talented musically, to use those talents for the glory of God. I have spoken about the folks on our Praise Team and our Praise Band in the past. They put in countless hours of prayer, practice, and patience as they strive to do something that is so, so subjective. That is to worship themselves as they facilitate worship for the rest of us, to do it with excellence, and to do it so that it doesn't look self-serving or as we tend to say in our fellowship, "entertainment."

Sidebar - I must confess to you that I struggle with the "entertainment" label. If I take it to the "preaching arena," how do you determine if you think you need to, when "really good preaching" that is engaging, moving, and even funny at times, crosses some line into "entertainment?" I'll confess (looks like I've been listening to too much "Catholic Radio" :) )to you that I might not be the best guy to throw out the (this is for you Randy :) ) "e-word" on someone or something. My default program tends to go to appreciation first when it comes to folks who put in hours at church either teaching, preaching, singing, or in our case now, playing. That's not to say I'm naive enough to not know there are times when you need to throw in a "positive sandwich" such as:

"I sure appreciate the way you played your guitar this morning.
You know I think you might want to tell the sound guy to turn your volume down just a bit.
Thank you for all that you're doing for our church."

How was that? That was one long sidebar!

A part of this special group of folks came up with a dream to have a Saturday Night Praise Service at our church. This would be tailored towards those of us (of which I are one) who like Contemporary Christian Music from "Mercy Me" to "Skillet." This is a dream in more ways than one.

As some of you know, my son did not make our local Community College Baseball Team. A part of his life that was so much him and to some degree us, has stopped. His music, our worship guy, Mike, and this Band has been a dream come true to him and us. He has taken the energy that he used to throw into batting practice and has now thrown himself into this band, his walk with the Lord, and our attempt at a Saturday Night Praise Service.

The other part of this dream aspect comes from an unexpected source - my wife. You see, my wife teaches Kindergarten, she is as Mike ( Cope once blogged about, our church's "food lady," but she isn't one who dreams about bands and their names. That is, until a few weeks ago. Barb woke up one morning remembering a vivid dream about Steven, Mike, and their Praise Band. She said they called themselves, "The Pulse." In the dream there was a video playing of Jesus, his arms outstretched, blood pulsing out of his wrists but instead of it being red, it was the name of nations and people as if Jesus is the pulse (or should be) of the World. She said she could hear our drummer beating his drum in rhythm as a beating heart drives the pulse in our bodies. All of this from someone who does not dream about Contemporary Christian Rock Bands.

My wife sweet wife who doesn't have a demonstrative / aggressive bone in her being, felt compelled to tell Steven and Mike about her dream. If you knew her you might say that part of this story is a dream. Well, they heard her story and they adopted the name. So this coming Saturday night at 6:30 at what was once a very improbable place, our church, "The Pulse" will present a concert / service that they're calling "C4." C4 stands for the four "C's" in our name, "Central Church of Christ in Cocoa" and as I'm sure many of you know, "C4" is also explosive used by the military.

Isn't that what God's Word and putting on Christ in our lives acts like - explosive? Sometimes old things need to be "exploded" to allow the new and righteous to enter and take hold. The Pulse has already been an answer to prayer and in many ways, a dream that has come true. If you get a chance, pray for these guys. If you can, fly on down and hang out with us on Saturday.

God bless.

What a wonderful “JOURNEY” that I, my wife, and the Central Church are experiencing!
I’ll share a personal moment from just this week...
Sunday, finding myself recovering from a sinus infection (with the obligatory meds that both clear and dry the condition), upon the recommendation of drug manufactures, I consumed “mass quantities” of water that morning. As Nature will eventually take its course, I had a “calling” to the restroom during the singing portion of our service.
On my way back to my seat, (the congregation still singing) I happened to capture the eye of a dear Brother in Christ, Ron, who met my smile with a smile and hardy handshake. You (positioned immediately behind him) were praising God, and lifting holy hands while singing (totally in the moment).
I’ve had numerous hours since that encounter to reflect on my spiritual growth with Christ since moving to Cocoa, and have found our worship service to be liberating from the 2 songs, a prayer, 1 song, communion, 1 song, preach the lesson, invitation, and go home!
Thank GOD that you and the other Elders have ALLOWED the HOLY SPIRIT into our worship. HE is moving thru the men that gather on Tuesday evening at the Church. We had an AWSOME 1 ½ meeting!
Keep up the Good Work…………

Michael - God's timing is so good! Your comment fired up and encouraged my 5:30 a.m. morning. Its folks like you and Kim who have been along for our "journey" that have been such a blessing to us. If you were close enough I'd give you a "hardy handshake."
That was some dream!

I appreciate your enthusiasm and your heart so much.

I don't remember knowing that Steven didn't make the baseball team. I am sorry.........but sounds like he's bounced back. Sometimes it's hard to accept when God says no.
I beg to differ on one point and when I do so, there is no need for you to bring up anything about a certain vacation in Yosemite. You wrote: "My wife sweet wife who doesn't have a demonstrative / aggressive bone in her being..." I seem to remember a very rainy afternoon in Rockledge when a certain non-aggressive lady came home with a car full of groceries. 'Nuff said!

When the band makes it big, tell them not to put "C-4" on their instrument cases when flying commercial to play somewhere!

I hope we get a chance some day to go back to Florida and experience the difference in Cocoa. Of course, we'll go to Rockledge on Sunday night to say "Hi" to all of our many friends there!
Judy - Thanks. "No" is never fun but at times it could be a "yes" to something else. That is our prayer in this case.

Greg - That wasn't an agressive woman, that was a wet and mad woman. I can't believe you didn't offer to help ( :) ) her bring in those groceries instead of "sermonizing" with me. :)

Good advice on the "C-4" moniker. Hey, if they add my first name they would be "C-5."

I hope you come back as well but I'll probably be busy Sunday night. :)
My seminary life has been a journey through the Gospel of Luke this semester. So much of Luke is fulfilled in Acts that the study has spilled over there quite often. It's always cool to see here in these later times, that the Spirit is still active, that our young men are seeing vision, that our women are dreaming dreams.

Thanks for sharing that, Math Bro.
Steve - I was thinking of that verse about those that will dream dreams. Thanks for stopping by.
They were great last night...even for someone who does not like to "loud" music...I truly enjoyed the service. It was was great. It was perfect for a Saturday night....I know the teens that were there seemed to love it as well.
What a dream come true. I've recently been dreaming of playing Christian music too. I've gotten together with some guys and we are trying, but it's a slow process.

I would absolutely love to come and be a part of something like that. maybe you could invite me down to preach and we could spend a week of vacation sometime. I would even love to play some drums for you guys someday.

I'm proud too that Steven has found this place. It's awesome how the medium of music can motivate a spirit of worship.

I'm so glad for you all.
Lauramay - It was truly a special night. It was great to have Mark home and at C-4.

Keith - Give me some dates brother and we'll work it out. It would be great to have you guys back for some more "West Cocoa fun."
what a great testimony....this story gave me chills and hope!
Your wife's dream story is SO much better than mine were last week, Cecil! That was a really incredible dream she had.

Absolutely amazing!!

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