Tuesday, February 24, 2009


If you count up 4 people from the bottom right corner of this photo that appeared on our local (Florida Today http://www.floridatoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage) newspaper's web site, you'll see my wife at last night's Town Hall Meeting with Brevard County's Legislative Delegation. Right next to her looking somewhat disinterested is a guy she knew and dated in College. Yes, that would be me and I was very interested. I was sending out one of many text messages to some of my colleagues who didn't make it inside the King Center due to the crowd size being 10,000!

The subject of last night's Town Hall Meeting was the proposed $70,000,000 cutback to our County's School Budget from the State. One of the legislators had commented earlier that he would be surprised if 200 people showed up. He was only off by a mere 9,800 or so and he was one of the legislators that were late due to the traffic congestion.

As you can imagine, most of the night was consumed with ducking questions by the 2 State Senators and the 4 Representatives. That is, until they decided to whip out some mis-leading graphs about the amount of funding from the State Brevard Public Schools (BPS) has received over the last few years. Their chart showed Brevard's School funding from the State increasing when in reality BPS has had to cut $100 million over the past 3 years to 4 years due to funding being cut back from the State.

It was at this point that our Superintendent, Dr. Richard DiPatri unexpectedly took the microphone and called the State Legislators to task. In my 28 years for teaching I have never seen a group of teachers, administrators, parents, and kids give their Superintendent not one but several standing ovations. Perhaps his best moment was when he "reminded" the State Legislators that Florida's State Constitution mandates that public education is a "State Responsibility." He also reminded them that the "Class Size Amendment," which was a Constitutional Amendment voted on by the citizens of Florida, like many other mandates from Tallahassee, had not been funded by the State. The implementation was left to the local School Boards despite the State Constitution.

In fact, Florida is one of 3 states that did not qualify for Obama's Stimulus package due to the low percentage of the State Budget spend on Education.

In Florida, there are some solutions that do not involve instituting a State Income Tax or other drastic measures. Hopefully our Legislators heard their constituents and will take action.

Wow, what a crowd. I once got a standing ovation. It followed the line: would you stand and sign.

Keep on educating those legislators!
Sounds exciting. My oldest son is thinking about becoming a teacher in Georgia. It seems to me that education and healthcare are two of safest professions on the horizon (when I quit preaching, I embarked upon a healthcare management career). It seems we're always going to find the money to offer better health and basic education. I hope I'm right, regardless of the struggle you guys are experiencing.

ben o
Brady - Make it two Bro - I'm giving you a standing "o" as I type which is kind of hard to do.

Beb - Good to see you. I hope you're right. I was amazed (although I probably shouldn't have been) at how out of touch these guys appeared to be.
I've never quite heard someone missing the projected total of a crowd like that--except preachers of course.
I was wondering who the old man next to Barbara was?
Don't get me started on the amount of tax $$ the teacher's unions out here suck from the economy ... and the return in Los Angeles area (highest paid teachers across the board in the USA) is a 50% drop out rate! We keep throwing tax dollars at education and CA remains at the very bottom of the states for quality education. This is not against teachers as I married one and have been one myself (college level). It is about how any level of government can absolutely screw up everything it touches. I've yet to know of a politician who isn't an idiot.

That said, you should be proud of Dr. DiPatri! At least he took a stand for you guys against the politicians.
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