Monday, January 05, 2009

My Church Is Better Than Yours

Is your church better than mine? Is my church better than yours? Is there something about our fellowship / denomination that makes us better or if you will, closer to the church God had in mind than yours. Does God have a (I hope not) “BCS” of churches? I do know one thing – whether we want to admit it or not there are folks who measure their church or their group against others.

I still remember some 30 years ago, having a conversation along these lines. Ironically it was at the Bible Camp that would eventually practice the unfortunate church of Christ practice of the “un-invitation” on yours truly. Our church was participating in a “Work Day” at this Camp. I was in the Canteen helping to hang the folding front cover. The brother I was working with asked me my church background. I told him I had grown up in the Baptist Church. He looked at me as a frown came upon his face and then he said, “Yeah, they’re close.” I took that comment to mean, “If anyone besides the folks in the church of Christ are going to be in Heaven, the Baptist might make it,” in his humble opinion.

I think in our Christian Colleges and many of our churches, the art of comparing churches for the most part, isn’t encouraged. But is that true in the hearts and minds of many of our church members? What does the Bible say about comparing churches? Jesus repeatedly condemns the Pharisees and those who fall into the “goat category” of Matthew 25.

You do have the Berean Jews of Acts 17:11 – 12 who Peter says are of “more noble character” than those questionable Jews of Thessalonica. Notice also that this is a multi-ethnic church being made up of Greek women and men.

11 Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. 12 Many of them believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men.

Here the “better” label if you will seems to do with:

1. Their voracious appetite for the Word.

2. Their studiousness.

3. Being accepting of other ethnicities.

Now I’ll claim “50-year old brain disease” on this one because the only other place that comes to mind of a comparison of churches being made is in 2nd Corinthians 8:1 - 5.

1 And now, brothers and sisters, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. 2 In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. 3 For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, 4 they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the Lord's people. 5 And they went beyond our expectations; having given themselves first of all to the Lord, they gave themselves by the will of God also to us.

I don’t know if this qualifies as a “this church is better” statement but Paul is taking the time in his second corrective letter to Corinth to spotlight these Macedonian churches that all seem to be in dire straights yet:

1. They were very generous.

2. They gave beyond their ability.

3. They did it without having to be pestered.

4. They saw giving as a privilege.

5. They had their priorities straight focusing on God and His will first.

Isn’t it interesting in these 2 examples that there’s nothing about the “better church’s” worship mentioned. So, I guess you might be able to say your church is “better” if:

1. Your church loves and studies The Word.

2. Is accepting of all races.

3. Loves to give, even beyond their means.

4. Always goes to God first to seek His will.

Any thing else to add to the “my church may be “better” than yours if we ------------?

Have a good one.

The church can only be as "good" as it serves Jesus. Jesus said that the greatest in the kingdom was the servant of all. He also summed up all the law and the prophets in this: Love God and love others. To me this is the essence of "good" churches. How well are we allowing the love of God to flow through us to the world.
i've been a silent reader/lurker for a while and I just thought I'd say Hi.

Good points... except I think it's somewhat dangerous to make a checklist which includes "our church loves to give" Too often I see churches brag about their finances... only to be empty in their relationships with Jesus.
Keith - Bingo my brother! Can you say "bingo" on a Christian blog? I guess I just did. No my friend, any conversation about how "good" your church is must start with what it is suppose to be a tangible evidence of - Jesus!

Phillip - Welcome to the program. You like my good friend Keith hit another nail on the head of this discussion. Any checklist like the one I listed for the expressed purpose of proving how good or better you are than someone or some church is dangerous. Besides, doesn't Paul kind of blow all of the checklist stuff away by saying the Macedonian churches gave themselves to God first, then went about the business of giving to help those in need.

Thanks for stopping by.
I heard a fascinating sermon at this year's National Outreach Convention in San Diego from a pastor who said, "If Jesus and I planted churches in the same city, I would have more members than he would have." He went on to say that much of what Jesus taught actually pushed people away rather than drawing them near. Our churches are doing all we can do to draw people ... just a thought.
Hmm, I thought we were all part of the same church and that it belonged to Christ....

Of course I know what you are saying but if we believed what I said, things would be a lot different, don't you think?
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