Thursday, November 06, 2008

Rush Hour

This is a story our youth guy told me last night and I don’t think he would mind if I share it with you.

This took place on his first long range trip with the teens at another church. The trip took him from Florida to West (no, he didn’t need a passport) Virginia. He was driving a new church bus and they were approaching Atlanta, at 5pm! A “rut-row” would be appropriate.

Being the responsible youth guy that he was, he was intent on keeping his eyes on the road but he wanted to go around Atlanta. He asked one of the older teens to look at the map and find a by-pass around I-75. As I’m sure you have guessed, the teen not only couldn’t help him find the by-pass, they ended up in the middle of Atlanta during rush hour on I-75. Our youth guy told me he was trying to do his best to maneuver this brand new bus full of teens in and out of traffic as best as he could at this point because they were committed.

He did begin to notice one thing that was raising and raising his level of concern. No matter how careful he was, signaling when he made a lane change, allowing for plenty of room, keeping the proper follow distance, and driving as Christian like as one can under these conditions, horn after horn was being blown no matter what move or non-move he made. He said he was really becoming scared and agitated when he looked in the rear view mirror and found the problem. Any one want to venture a guess?

That’s right, his teens, the ones he was trying to lead to Jesus, the ones he was challenging to be bold in their walk – were doing all of the above. How? They had made signs and were placing them in the windows that read:

“Honk If You Love Jesus!”

Apparently lots of folks in Atlanta, even in rush hour love Jesus. Unfortunately Chad had to implore them to take their signs down until he got out of rush hour traffic!

You just never know, do you? Have a great Thursday Family.

Those are good Christian teens! I'll share a quick story. Doris used to drive a school bus for Harding Academy, and one year she had a bunch of big old boys, some seniors, on her bus route. (Why boys this old were riding the bus? I don't know....) Anyway, she pulled up to a light and stopped next to a truck, company of which she paid no attention. But as she progressed, this same truck stayed right with her and she began to notice the driver gesturing to her, pleading for something. He was pleading for the return of his ladder! The boys had put down the windows, reached out and took the ladder from the Memphis Light Gas & Water vehicle and were holding it outside the bus! :)
I love your story. I love Judy's too. This high school teacher can truly appreciate. made me laugh...I could so see this with our youth group. But I do not to know when he became a cautious driver...I have driven with him and I thought he wanted to be a race car driver. Or is that a guy thing?
If he had asked the teen to google a map of atlanta on his cell phone or link up to his phone enabled GPS he might have found 285 and gotten to sit in different traffic.

There is no easy or good way around or through Atlanta at 5 pm.
Great story.
Judy - Now that is good!

Steve - H.S. kids can be interesting.

Lauramay - This was way back at the other church when Chad was a gentler, kinder, and much slower Chad.

rspivy - Welcome to the show. This was about 10 years ago. I'm getting so old I can remember what cell phone technology was like in the mid to late 90's.
Great story...I was afraid they were "mooning" people. Leave it to a Mom to jump to wrong conclusions...
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