Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The lapse in posts is largely due to the warp-speed pace of our schedule these past few days. Steven’s school is one of those “lucky” schools that forces their seniors to do a “Senior Project” as a requirement for Graduation. The pace has been hectic around our home but it all came together last night. Steven will be presenting his project formally tomorrow.
We started the District Tournament by winning our first game 9 to 5. Steven went O for 2 but he had 2 Sacrifice Flies driving in 2 runs in the effort. He also made one of those (cue the theme from ESPN’s Sportscenter) “Second-baseman fielding the ball hit up the middle / behind second-base / jumping and throwing the ball going away from first / robbing the hitter of a single” plays that was electrifying. We play Merritt Island at 4 today and if we win we’ll face the winner of the Rockledge vs. Titusville game in the Championship tomorrow. This would guarantee us another game as both 1st and 2nd place advance to Regional’s. Of course we’re still in one and done world so if we lose today then it will be the end of Steven’s H.S. career.
I’ll have the “call” of today’s game and speaking of having the call, have you ever been “blasted” on the radio as you’re listening to it? That was my experience yesterday. After I announced the 4:00 game I left the field as my good friend Tom had the call of the 7pm game. I had to pick something up for Steven’s Project so I headed out for I-95. I decided to listen in on the second game as our local ESPN Radio Station was broadcasting it.
I’ve known the Broadcast (Greg does too – remember Steve Wilson, Greg?) Team for years going back to Steven’s earliest t-ball days. As I’m heading south on I-95 (or as you Californians call it – “The 95”) with the radio on, I heard one of the announcers say, “Looks like Cecil Walker has the Scoreboard wrong. The count is 3 balls / no strikes, not 2 balls and no strikes as the Scoreboard is showing.”
Wow family – I’ve been un-invited from Bible Camp, had my name de-famed by local preachers using parts of my blog as slander against me, and I’ve even had to take out the trash a time or two but having your “good announcing reputation” slammed by the local ESPN Station while your miles away from “THE SCOREBOARD” was almost too much to bare! I found myself (not screaming) raising my voice at my car radio at 70-something miles per hour saying, “I’m not at the field, its Tom not Cecil.”
So there you have it – perhaps as Steven comes to the end of his career (hopefully in a couple of weeks) and my “blog (as Randy would say) cash cow” ends with him, perhaps my new blog cash cow will be THE SCOREBOARD!
Have a great day family and wish Steve-o luck in today’s game.
Brady - In my best "Elmer Fudd" voice, "Be very careful, very careful" or in this case, I might show up at your doorstep one day.
Judy - Thanks.
Cecil, my brother, surely as a dedicated public school teacher for LO these many years, you are used to being blamed for things that couldn't possibly be your fault!
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