Friday, January 18, 2008
Abuse and End of Hell Week
Let me apologized for starting our weekend with such a heavy subject as “social justice.” “SJ” if you will has at times received a bad rap but I do believe there are times when individual Christians as well as the Church should rise up in righteous indignation. Good Lord man, we might have folks think “clapping “isn’t a sin!
We especially need to rise up when it comes to those who can’t defend themselves. Yes family, I’m talking about the abuse of chickens! That was one of the lead stories this morning from one of our local news stations. It seems P.E.T.A sent someone undercover (feathers, wings, white meat) to investigate allegations of a local meat packing company abusing chickens. Seems some of the chickens were (as the news report put it) “shackled near the employee restrooms.” I’m sure all of you will agree that allowing companies to shackle chickens near employee restrooms will lead to such grievous sins as (in my best Bill Murray voice from the movie Ghostbusters”) “dogs and cats living together in sin!” I don’t know about you but I appreciate our local News Stations not being (he’s going to say it) chicken about reporting hard hitting poultry, I mean stories like the aforementioned.
On the home front, Steven survived his last day of “Hell Week.” In fact it was a serendipitous occasion. At 5:45am sharp, the Head Coach told the boys to stretch for what he had forecasted as the toughest day of Hell Week. The he told them to get in “their lines” to start their first drill. He paused for a moment and then asked, “Anybody up for breakfast at Kay’s BBQ?” Steven told me he nearly cried. Yes, the coaching staff took the boys (30 of them) out for breakfast. A class act if you asked me.
One last report from Hell Week. I was talking with our Athletic Director who is also one of the Assistant Coaches yesterday. He told me that Coach Arnold’s “Hell Week” was one of the best team building events he had ever seen. He cited one example in which one of the “teams” did not finish a drill in the prescribed minimum time to which the penalty was extra laps at the end. All other teams had finished under the prescribed time and was now sitting in the bleachers enjoying a well deserved rest. As the “slow” team positioned themselves to run out their penalty laps, every boy on the team came out of the bleachers and told the team they would not run those laps alone! Powerful lessons that can last a lifetime and I know my son we’ll never forget “Hell Week.”
Have a great weekend family.
I'm glad this hellacious week is over for Steven!
Glad Steven and the team did well. Sounds like it will be a good spring!
Much love,
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