Weekends – Don’t you just love them? Mine started on Friday (as I’m sure most of yours did) at church. I met up with my father-in-law, the Chuckster, Phil, and Don to lay laminate in our Secretary’s and Minister’s Office. Except for a couple of “science projects” (phrase used at Chuck’s work to describe any task take copious amounts of time) around some steal door jams, we finished both rooms in about 5 hours. This also included a visit to a local Mexican Restaurant that had a Mariachi Band. When they came to our table we requested “Ring of Fire” and “Tequila.” That is the “song” variety.
It was also great to have my father-in-law there helping us. His knowledge and problem solving skills proved us wrong no less than 3 times when we came to issues concerning walls or door jams.
I spent Saturday morning going from the “hippie” look to the coveted “high and tight” look with my diminishing mane. I also found time to get my “Expo” cleaned. The afternoon was taken up with cleaning our pool and it’s filter as well as doing some last minute preparations for the 30 some odd people that will be having Thanksgiving with us in a couple (yikes!) of weeks. We went out to dinner with our next door neighbors and good friends Monty and Sally to round out the evening. Oh, almost forgot - Monty asked me if I wanted to drive out to the Causeway and park beside the Banana River to view a launch of a Delta Rocket. We took advantage of a clear, cool night to see a spectacular launch with the River reflecting the flume of the Delta but even more impressive was the thunderous roar that took a few minutes to travel from the Rocket Gantry to our location a few miles away. It is one advantage of living on the Space Coast.
Sunday morning found me teaching a class on “Incarnational Theology.” The vast majority of my class we spent in Ephesians 1 and Phil. 2 talking about being the “the Body of Christ” and having the humble spirit of a servant. God must have heard us talking for right after class he sent us “David.” David had been riding his bike across Brevard County and according to him, was a homeless Veteran who hadn’t slept for 2 days.
After we got him some food and drink, we asked him what he wanted. He told us he wanted to go to the Veterans Hospital in South Florida. We told him he was in luck because there was such a facility in Viera, just a few miles away. Dave, who told us he was bi-polar, told us that facility was only a clinic and wouldn’t be opened on the weekends. He had a terrible cough and needed some medical attention. Did I mention that Dave was rather big? Having this in my sight and the bi-polar in my mind, I asked 2 other brothers if they would go with me on a Sunday morning “road trip.”
So we loaded up Dave and his bike in my Expo and headed off for the VA Hospital in Viera as Dave continued to tell us it wouldn’t be opened. Guess what – our first signs that Dave was right were the closed gate and the big sign that read, “Closed on Weekends and Holidays.” Go figure. Dave trumped one elder and 2 deacons. So we drove Dave to our local ER and it was a “God – moment.” It was the first time in my life that I walked into our local hospital’s ER to see no one in the Waiting Room and the nicest guy working the Desk. We left Dave in their care and made it back to church just in time for Don’s “take home” slide. Some would call that a serendipity.
At 2:30 we had our Lifegroup Meeting. Please pray for Myra as she receives her 6 month cancer checkup results today.
At 3:30 I drove Steven to the Batting Cages in Eau Gallie and even took a round myself using his wood bat. I had forgotten how much a wood bat vibrates when it hits something. I guess you could call it “old school” father – son time.
I wrapped my weekend walking 3 miles with my next-door neighbor and I’m about to head off to school.
Have a restful “week” family.