Monday, November 19, 2007

Oasis Roundup

I’m feeling somewhat weird this morning. I know, some of you are saying “you’re weird every morning.” I know my first period class would probably agree with you since I give them the strange concoction of high energy (being a morning person) and Algebra every day. No, the weird feeling is due to the fact that I’ve been to a youth rally and I’m not (as we say in the south) “dog tired.”

Kudos to our youth guy along with the youth guys from Melbourne and Jacksonville. The Oasis Youth Rally was outstanding. As with our week of Bible Camp, they were not under a leadership that was being held hostage by churches or leaders who are adept in the fine arts of blackballing or “un-inviting.” They were able to use Dr. David Fraze, the youth guy from the Richland Hills Church. He is a great communicator and gauging by the attention level of my son he was also engaging.

Kudos to the Argyle Church for hosting the event. They have a beautiful facility and a visionary leadership.

For all intent and purpose, this will probably be the last youth rally I attend were Steven is a member of our youth group. I’m so proud of the Christian young man he is becoming. No, he isn’t perfect as is his Dad but he is on the journey. I enjoyed seeing him sing praises to God, laugh, and interacting with the other teens.

We had some cool moments together. As we were moving towards the lunch line I put my arm around him and told him I loved him. His response was, “I love you too Pops.” You can’t put a price on those kinds of moments as well as believe that you’re being called “Pops” or his other favorite word for me, “Cec-so.”

I’m proud of our youth group. We had zero problems out of them and instead, they stayed engaged throughout the weekend. That hasn’t always been the case in the past as I’ve had to track down many a stray that has wondered off.

O.K – are you ready for some pics? Here we go:
Oasis had a good balance of serious with fun. Here is our youth guy, Chad, running a game in the Fellowship Room. Notice the plastic on the floor. When Chad is doing a game you always want plastic on the floor. The seated person on the far right is from our church. He had been hypnotized to act like he was drunk.
Son in the middle listening to Dr. David Fraze.

What would a bunch of picture be like without the coveted group picture in front of our bus.

We were given instructions for Steve-o to act like a "gangster" and I was to act like a Cop. How did we do?
Have a great Thanksgiving.

Glad the weekend went so well and you're not slap-dab worn out!

I don't know..........but I still see dad and boy in that picture! :)
I went to the web page and saw an old friend is the preacher there at Argyle, K. Mick. His wife was our best woman at our marriage.

If someone wants to listen to the weekend teachings at the retreat, check out

Thanks for the update.
Joe said that Oasis was a smashing success. Good for kids to be engaged! As far as cop/gangster goes, keep your day job.

So, did you meet my son and daughter? They both had good things to say about the gathering. They were, however, a bit tired upon their return.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Judy - It was an unusual weekend in that I wasn’t dog tired after a youth rally. I think that is a testament to how good the weekend went.

Brady - I didn't get to hear K.Mick preach but he made some nice comments during the Lord's Supper.

Puck - I agree with Joe and you.

Bill - I'm sure our paths crossed but I didn't formally meet them. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well brother.
Here's a bonus comment:

What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?

Pumpkin pi!

My youth Minister was Scott Jarvis best friends with Dr. (which I can't believe he is Dr. now) David Fraze. He is fantastic. I know he is a blessing whereever he going and speaks and ministers to young people and I know that your young people had to have been blessed by Dr. David Fraze this past weekend. Man He is such a wonderful man, spiritual, righteous, godly, and the best youth minister that you can think of in the brotherhood. He is it. I really think a world of Him. He has been through so much and his faith has stood the test of time. God has blessed him and brought him through in ways we will never understand. I am thankful that he persevered. He has such an expample perseverance. I pray that God will continue to bless His ministry as he minister to youth all over the country. And Scott, too. :-)...
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"Bill squared" - Your second comment although "irrational" (as in number) will be scored a solid 3.14

Preacherman - Agreed. My son was pumped for Oasis when he heard David was going to be the speaker.
Ben - If you're reading - thanks for the invitation in my last post. I'll try to send you some posts by Sunday.
Sounds like a great trip Cecil. I pray God to continue to bless that event as those kids get back into the routine of life.

Yep, I'm reading. I look foward to your submissions and including you and your blog in the book. Sorry to invade this space but I couldn't find you e-mail on the blog. I did however notice your age while looking at the profile. 251 years old? Sign=rat? Hmm. An old rat. Cecil, the old rat. sounds like a character in a kids book!
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