Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Furniture / Thanksgiving

I wonder if anyone has ever started their blog with a picture of a couch? I thought we’d “couch” that subject today. What goes into the thought processes behind buying furniture such as a couch? Can we be a bit sexist here and say most guys look for comfort as in how does this couch feel when I’m vegging, remote in hand, switching between ESPN and the Discovery Channel while most ladies look for a tasteful blend into whatever décor matches their living room. Either way, this couch is very special to me.

It was bought and owned by my mother and father. I have images in my mind of my Dad and yes, even my Mom lying on this couch. This couch would be the last piece of furniture my Mother would “enjoy.” A week before we moved into our new home which had a Mother-in-Law’s Quarters built over our garage, we learned that Mom’s cancer had returned with a vengeance. Mom was one of those “lucky” people who had never smoked but was now stricken with lung cancer. I can still remember picking my Mother off that couch and carrying her down the stairs to make her last trip in a car as we headed for the hospital.

A few years later the couch would make a trip to our preacher’s office. We gave him the couch along with some chairs that belonged to Mom.

It was a time when we only had me and one other person for Elders. We met mostly in Don’s Office sitting on Mom’s furniture. Somehow I always felt her spirit close to me when we sat on that couch.

Earlier this year as many of you know, we went through a challenging yet rewarding time as we contemplated merging with a local conservative Christian Church. There was one particular meeting among ourselves (4 and Don at the time) where we nearly let fear and tribal instincts get the best of us. To say that meeting was heated would be an understatement. Yet, sitting on Mom’s couch gave me a peace and also a mandate to not allow our meeting to end in division. Fortunately the Holy Spirit prevailed and we walked out of our most heated meeting, united and more in love with each other than ever before. I just knew Mom was smiling and maybe even uttering a heavenly, “Cecil, you’re a good son. I knew you would listen to your heart.”

Fast forward to a few weeks ago and now the couch sits in this storage room as we have remodeled Don’s and Brenda’s offices. New furniture has replaced Mom’s couch and so it sits in this room. But just like Mom it isn’t staying still for long. Just this past Sunday a lady with 4 kids, fleeing an abusive husband from another country came to our church in need. I know she and her kids will find comfort when they sit or lay on this couch for the spirit of my parents, especially my mother will be with them.

Now for a couple of pictures from Thanksgiving:
The only way to cook turkey - fry the little sucker. That's 3 minutes per pound plus 5 at the end at about 350 degrees. The secrets we discovered this year - start early - take a half hour to bring the peanut oil up to temperature - (this is old) rub the turkey in creole seasoning - wrap the bird in reynolds wrap when done - it will stay warm for hours if need be.

Could you find a better looking pair of Turkey fryers? I'm the good looking guy on the right and my friend of 40 years on the left is Bob.

That is a wonderful story. How nice of you to share your memories.

How 'bout sharing some deep fried turkey... my favorite and I didn't get any fried turkey this year!
Lovely post, Cecil. Thanks for sharing that.

And about the turkey ... I see three turkeys in the picture ... but only one got fried!
I've always wanted to have my Thanksgiving turkey fried.

I love the story about your couch. I have similar memories of furniture from my parents' house. I got the table...sis got the chair.
Almost every holiday, I pull a bowl or something out of the cabinet that belonged to my mother.......and occasionally cook something from memory the way she did it. I recognize the feelings of warmth you describe.......
Thanksgiving in shorts...does my heart good.

Your Mom would love that you are sharing her couch with someone in need!
We got to eat turkey twice over Thanksgiving and had it Wednesday fried and Thursday brined and smoked and both were delicious! Hope yours turned out well, too. Looks like it did.

That couch looks in really good shape having been through so many memories! Thanks for sharing those with us Cecil.

I've spent many moments on that couch! Great story.

As for the two turkeys ... wait, the two GUYS and the turkey ... I am amazed at just how much Bob looks like that Dr. Wray guy who shows up at Pepperdine for a day or so each year!
that girl - We were just talking last night about doing another turkey this weekend. We have room here in West Cocoa.

jd - It seems you're not the only one that saw 3 turkeys in the picture.

Steve - Same invite - fly to Central Florida and we'll fry one in your name.

Judy - We're just a couple of softies.

djg - My wife also pointed out the old basketball goal pole that I haven't thrown away yet.

Dee - this West Cocoa boy had to ask my wife what "brined" turkey was? She is truly the "salt" of the Earth.

Greg - Yes you did and you know Mom (and Dad)always considered you one of their boys. Man - Bob looks like Randy? I might need to shave my head again.
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