Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Across the Street

I think there are times when those of us who have been “in Christ” for a long time or those of us who do not have a “checkered past” by the world’s standards lose some perspective. At least I know that there are times when I take for granted “how easy” (“easy” and “consistent” being relative terms) it seems to be to live a life that includes commitment to Christ and a local church. I remember the first time I taught / preached on a Sunday night at Rockledge. I remember my Dad coming up to me afterwards and expressing how proud he was of me. I told him thanks but I didn’t think what I had just done was especially (not take it easy on me Greg, Randy, Steve, Puck, Keith, Brady, and John – I was as my neighbor would say, “young and dumb”) difficult. This probably came from the fact that I had been teaching for a couple of years and was familiar with being in front of folks and speaking.

I’ll never forget what my Dad told me. He looked at me with 20-something years of military experience eyes, forgave his son for being somewhat stupid, and said, “Son, everyone can’t do what you just did. It is a gift to be treasured and used properly.”

That memory came back to me last Wednesday night. We were discussing our latest lesson from the “Secrets of the Vine” video. One of our members told of a time that he felt God was disciplining him for living an un-Godly life. He said that he used to live in a dingy one room upstairs apartment that is some what across the street from our church. He said he could remember thinking that although our church building was just across the street from his place, he said it felt like it was hundred’s of miles away and that there would never be any hope of someone like him even stepping foot inside our church. Now this man is a brother in Christ and he is actively trying to grow spiritually each day. Like all of us he is a work in progress.

It made me wonder who else out there is “just across the street” without hope. My prayer is for God to use me to reach out to someone that is so close and yet so far away.

Have a good day family.

Maybe your dad would never feel all that comfortable speaking in front of a church, but I'll never forget his motion from the back of the auditorium after a very contentious "family business meeting" that we "stop this bitching and go to lunch." I remember because I was one of the ones who vocally gave a "second" to the motion!

My guess is you pray specifically for that person "across the street" and God will bring the two of you together. Let us know when it happens.
I do like the real life "across the street" story. That should make some of us sad to know that we may be passing by people everyday who feel as he did and need our love and concern.

Every church needs someone to help us stay on point–maybe Sr. will continue to help us do that from beyond the Jordan.

You still are preaching, man. Keep it up. We will be attentive to the people around us today.
Greg - If there was ever a time for someone to cuss in church, it was certainly that time. For those who never knew my father, a deacon in the church and as described by someone at this funeral, a "colorful" Christian, he was the guy that could get away with it.

Judy - Have I told you that its great to have you back in blog church?

Puck - Thanks Bro and I agree.

Brady - Thanks Brady and as I know all of you do when you're in the pulpit, I was aiming that one at me as well. BTW - did you see where Tiger Woods is going to be fined by the PGA because he allowed Roger Federer in to his practice round at Doral yesterday. I wonder what kind of fine they're going to lay on a guy worth "ka-zillions" of dollars? I think Tiger was quoted as "he didn't care about the fine."
Yes, I saw that. I wonder what the two talked about between shots? How to spend their Ka-zillions?

Roger's a nice guy. I hope he wins it all this year, especially the French Open…
People tell me all the time "Son, everyone can’t do what you just did" after I preach. I don't think they are being complimentary.

We must begin to look across the street. We must reach out and begin to ask the hard questions of spirituality with people. God give us the courage and wisdom we need to do just that.
I'm really sorry I'm so long getting around to this post, Cecil, because it is excellent! Makes me think a lot of my post about the "always answered revolutionary prayer" that I pray every day that God will send someone my way each day who I can minister to if I will but keep my eyes and ears and HEART open to all.

Thanks again!
Amen, brother. Of course, to see our brothers and sisters across the street, we have to actually have our eyes open.

Thanks for helping to pry mine apart.
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