Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Your Age By Dinner and Restaurant Math

In light of Greg’s recent (http://gregengland.com/) post, “Christmas Is Finally Over”, Randy’s (http://randywray.com/) “How Many Of Me” post, and Brady’s (http://evendays.org/) “I’m A Quaker” post, I thought I would put a fun website on this post. Trouble is, I didn’t fine one of those cool, fun websites. So instead, whip out those calculators (Scientific is fine, no graphing calculators required) and warm up that slide-rule, we’re going to have some real fun! That’s right my fellow members of our blog church, we’re going to do some math!

Now hold on before you hit that “back” button. We’ll mix in some dinner as well. Come on, give a poor old middle school math teacher a chance. Are we ready? Here we go.

This is called “Your Age By Dinner and Restaurant Math.”

1. Pick the number of times you like to eat out during the week. Must be 1 or more and less than 10.
2. Multiply that number by 2.
3. Add 5.
4. Multiply by 50.
5. If you’ve already had your birthday this year, add 1756. If you haven’t had your birthday this year, add 1755.
6. Now subtract by the 4 digit year you were born.
7. You should have a 3 digit number.

The first digit should be your original number you picked for the number of times you like to eat out.

The last 2 digits should be your age.

Now, who said math isn’t fun. BTW – this will only work for the year, 2006.

What in the name of Pythagoras are you talking about?

Have you not heard of YouTube where you get the mindless videos for us in blog world.

You da Math man!

You really are magic…
How'd you do that? I was correct. Only problem is it doesn't take into consideration the mileage. I guess you have to go to Real Age for that.
Like Dee, I can't believe I just spent time doing that.
Math rocks.
Puck - Maybe we should start a website called "MathTube?"

Brady - Remember the song from the female rock group, "Heart?" "He's the magic man."

Bill and Judy - It's that good old "math magic."

Dee - I think my students feel the same way when they're doing their math homework.

Elaine - The things we do in the name of blogging.

Steve - No, you rock Math Dude!
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