Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Good To Be Small

I have always been an advocate of small groups. When our church went to meeting in small groups last Spring, I was curious as to how our church would react to them? Now, I could say that they have been a huge success based on the fact we doubled our Sunday Night attendance. We tend to like numbers in the church when we’re talking about “successes.” But in this case I’m going to cite something much more important than mere numbers, pastoral care.

One of our members who is in a life group of mostly “senior saints,” recently had emergency (is there any other kind?) triple by-pass surgery. This brother lives a very simple life. His job meets his needs but unfortunately he will be unable to work for a while as he recovers. So there were needs to be met, bills to be paid, a small yard to be mowed, and some very basic “TLC” to be given. Can you see where this is going?

His Life Group immediately jumped in with both feet. They took up a collection among (sounds kind of “Act 2-ish”) themselves to help with his bills. One of the members mowed his yard and they are taking care of his meals and visiting this dear Brother.

If for no other reason, meeting in small groups multiplies the ministers’ hands and feet and gets people into doing what they should be doing anyway, “Body Ministry.”

Enough said, have a good day family.

Here in West Monroe we call ours "House churches" but the name isn't important. Sunday before last we had over 600 of our members involved in small groups that evening.

From small groups needs are met as you discussed but also leaders emerge, believers grow, and life long friendships are made. In churches without small groups there is usually little opportunity for vital "one another" ministry to happen. The larger the congregation the more true this is.

And, small groups meeting in homes better reflects 1st century believers than anything else we do.

Thank God for another elder who is not afraid of loosing "control" of the sheep. God is quite capable of taking care of them isn't he?

I applaud you for beginning this vital tool for God's family growth.

Grace and Peace,
Royce Ogle
That's a great story! I always thought it was funny when we would talk about restoring new testament Christianity inside the church building and miss so many obvious things that the new testament Christians would actually do.

"Small groups" or "home bible studies" or whatever you want to call them are so fundamental to the spiritual growth of individual believers! When the worship service becomes institutional and formalized, we really miss the opportunity to share our spirituality with each other. (You can picture those old ocean diving outfits, where everybody in the worship service has their own little tube going up to God, but little interaction with each other.) But smaller groups at home allow us to speak in spiritual terms without being inside the church building, and this serves to decompartmentalize our lives and helps us let God in to where he should have been all along. In other words, it helps us see that Christianity is something that should happen primarily outside our church buildings.
Judy - I'm glad you had a positive experience with your life group and I love you servant spirit.

Royce Ogle - Welcome to our blog community and thank you for the complement. Serving the people in our churches should never be about control. It should be looking for ways to help folks transform themselves into the image of Christ. I think small groups are certainly beneficial in this area.

Justin - Great point about "restoring N.T. Christianity "inside" our church buildings."
Cecil, I couldn't agree more. My wife and I have led a small/life bible study group for our entire married life (now a very short 13 years). I have countless stories like the one you told. Those small groups open us up and reveal that the Church is teaming with opportunities to help each other. Or, as scripture might say, "love one another."

I'm glad to hear your Church is starting to embrace this. God bless you.
I think this kind of service is repeated over and over when people really get to know each other in Christ.
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