Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Team Dinner

In many middle schools across America, the concept of "school within a school" is a standard practice. The more generic term is “teaming.” The team (4 academic teachers / approximately 130 students) that I am a member of is called the “Spartans Team.” We practice what for many middle schools is the annual rite of holding a “team dinner.” Actually we should have called our meeting a “Team Dessert” since we only served sweets following our presentation.

The main purpose of a Team Dinner is to give both parents and students a non-threatening venue that they can use to become more familiar with their child’s teachers and facility. Each member of our team spoke on different aspects of making the transition from elementary school to high school in their 2 years (7th and 8th grades) at a middle school.

Two thoughts came to mind:
First, I remembered how just a few short years ago, not only was I a teacher presenting this kind of material to anxious and worried parents who were bringing their children from the sheltering environment of an elementary school, I was one of “them” when my son was here.

Second, I couldn’t help but think of the church. Do we need to hold “Team Dinners” at our churches so to speak for our new members and our visitors? I’ve been in “church” for so long I wonder if I can identify with how a visitor or new member feels when they first enter our church environment.

Just a thought or two.
Have a good day bloggers.

Looks like you'll have to start a new "program" to welcome the new-comers. (Let's see what Greg says…)
Brady - You use the "p" word.
The church as a "team"? Does that mean we have to get along and work together?

That's an important point–knowing what visitors think. We have a small postage paid feedback card that we send to every visitor who fills our a visitor card.

It has two or three simple items.

This is what I noticed first:

This is what I liked best?

This is what I like least?

Age Date attended:

We have gotten some good suggestions using this card.

Puck - I'm surprised that #2 on your feedback card doesn't read:

"This is what I liked (the preacher is a given) the best."
When I first started teaching (at the middle school level), I was on a team. Our creative name was "Team 7/8 A" Inspiring, huh?

I remember all of the conferences and meetings with parents and team-building activities. In many ways I don't miss them, although they were good for the students.
Steve - My fellow math teacher and I were off the teams for a couple of years to help our Guidance Dept. with scheduling. It was amazing how much our workload decreased. Now that we're back on the teams I too see how much work for us, the teaming activities are but as you said, they do benefit our students.
Back to work.
I also think that feed back from visitors is important. I think also that we need to get out of our buildings into the world with the good news so as to help people in their world to know Jesus. Just a thought.
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