Tuesday, April 11, 2006

New Wine

Don's lesson came out of Mark 2 (2:22 "And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; 31 otherwise the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost, and the skins as well; but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins.") where Jesus talks about putting new wine into old wineskins. One of the questions in our small group that afternoon was, "What is the "new wine" in your life?" Some of the answers were very encouraging.

"L" in our group stated that her "new wine" was believing that God actually hears our prayers for healing and answers them according to His Will. L has been dealing with a series of health problems for a number of years. That fact that she made it to our small group meeting was an answer to prayer.

"R" is a former minister who now teaches for a "living." "R" has had a couple of bad experiences when he was in full-time ministry. R said his "new wine" was belonging to a church that preached, believed, and practiced the grace of God.

I'm thankful that we've moved into small group ministry for it affords times like these when we can hear what someone is thinking about our church environment. Speaking of "environment," I'm going to post some pictures of the environment our small group enjoyed when we met this past Sunday.

When you have a small group in Florida what better place to go for a meeting than the beach. Of course I'm sure all of you recognize Cocoa Beach, the home of the “I Dream of Jeannie Show.” From the right/ front is my wife Barbara and yours truly.

This is my wife Barb and one of our group members, Gail, grilling the customary small group hamburgers after a small group meeting.

This is my son Steven, performing the obligatory teen rite of filling “thy face” with food.

I was able to get a picture of my ball-playing son surfing after our meeting.

This is Steven's friend Kyle and yes, even in Florida we have to wear full wet suits at certain times of the year.

Best picture I could get of Matthew (another friend of Steven's in the foreground) and Kyle competing with a wind-surfer for some waves. Have a good day my fellow bloggers.

nice group of people, it looks like you have a good time,
I would love to walk on the beach :)

thanks for sharing your pictures

take care
Randy - Just a little north of "Flying Surfboard Beach."
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