Friday, November 18, 2005


Just spoke with our school secretary. I went to elementary through high school with her husband. He has worked for UPS ever since high school. He recently almost lost his job as a driver. A recent physical turned up the fact that Jim has had only 70% (most of us have 180 degree) of the normal person’s peripheral vision. When this was discovered his driver’s license was immediately revoked.

In an effort to save his job he was sent to U of F’s Shands Hospital. The doctors quickly surmised that Jim had been born this way and he didn’t know any different. He assumed that everyone had the same field of vision he had and he had quickly compensated for his undiscovered disability. In fact the doctors at Shands told Jim that if he had been diagnosed as a child he would have been declared handicapped by virtue of being legally blind.
By the way, growing up with Jim he played all sports including Little League Baseball.

The doctors were able to give Jim a set of glasses that act as a prism thus giving him enough peripheral vision to be able to maintain a driver’s license and his job. All of this made me wonder what part of God’s grace I have not been able to see due to my handicapped of “spiritual baggage?” I wonder what I’m compensating for without knowing I’m doing it in the Kingdom.

Have a good weekend my fellow blones.

Good question, mathbro. And when I start thinking about that beam in my eye that is messing up my peripheral vision, I also think about what others struggle with. It makes me less quick to get angry with a brother or sister that is judgmental and intolerant, understanding that they have their own baggage to deal with.

twobpnow (batting practice dosage following a bad game at the plate)
Prayers going up.
Great Thought. With God's grace, we are all running on 100% no matter what our faults are. Praise Him!

coqams - A partner who also has a lot of qams.
Yes Keith, we must get our people to be less judgemental of each other in light of God's grace.
Steve - great vw. in light of kbhwo.
I think Randy just topped Steve on the WV and as he said, my reason is cuz dinmt.
xvptl ( ex-president of the PTL club.)
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