Friday, June 03, 2005

Home Again.

As I'm blogging this blog (correct blog grammar?) my wife is running errands with Jessica. Jessica flew in from SoCal. last night and she is staying with us through Bible Camp. I first remember Jessica being a baby at Camp. I also remember a time when her Mother, Janice, went to the local hospital with one of our campers. Jessica was particular about who held her when she was a baby. One of those lucky people was my wife, Barbara. So as Janice went to the hospital with an injured camper, my wife performed the precious job of holding and watching baby Jessica.

"Baby Jessica" is now a beautiful (inside and out) 20 year old college student who loves people and the Lord. I'm so thankful that Greg and Jan allowed her to "come home again" and to work with us at the Central Florida Bible Camp. I know my family has already been blessed by Jessica being here in beautiful downtown West Cocoa. I know our campers will be blessed by her as well.

Thank you Greg and Jan for sharing your little girl with us once again.

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